1st Part :Drift

Toyota Noah Likes to Drift but he is a real MPV even Hot Summer Days he evens drift
Toyota Noah Has Dirtily the road whenever he drifts he is going to change his color to black and change his model to Voxy. 

2nd Part : Over Taking

Toyota Noah is always overtaking slow cars even when he is on hurry up sometimes he crashed 2 cars up to 4.
Toyota Noah has a hurry up all cars braked there cars then they waited .

3rd Part: Police Hide

Toyota Noah always hide at roof tops so the police will be concern.
Toyota Noah tried to go up then he done it well the police talked "why are you up there?''
Toyota Noah did not answer so he go down in 10 minutes.

4th Part : Changing Color

Toyota Noah Likes To change his color everyday even week ends
Every police chases him he change his color and model whenever police chases him 

5th Part : Hiding

Toyota Noah i mean Toyota Voxy likes to  hide in to trucks even at others garage.
Toyota Voxy hides in the truck before the police chases him and he did it for as well.